Active Ground
Sports for All
Has successfully achieved a RISE Bronze level - For the Good in Sports certificate, with a total result of 82.39% in BE GOOD and 84.42% in DO GOOD.
Organisation info


Active Ground


Rua Eng Vieira Natividade







Organisation Size

Small (up to 500)

Self Evaluation Report


You have experienced sustained success in this topic. You are now focussing on optimizing performance, achieving efficiency. You have established structures which maintain your high standards and push development.


Govern Well, Be Effective
The Road to Success
  1. We have clearly established what it is that we are trying to achieve as an organisation, by defining our purpose. This purpose shapes the way we conduct ourselves, the programmes we deliver and the way the organisation functions.

  2. Based on our purpose, which gives us a general guide, we know what the specific impact is that we are trying to make through our programmes and activities. 

  3. We set ourselves goals. For the next 1-2 years we know what these goals are. They are in writing, and we review and adjust them on a regular basis.

  4. We know what the Sustainable Development Goals are. We understand how sport can contribute to them in general, and importantly, we know how our organisation contributes to achieving them.

  5. When establishing our purpose, impact and goals, we involve the people who are involved in delivering it and the participants in our programmes. This includes, staff, volunteers, members etc.

  6. In order to measure how effective we are at achieving our goals we have a system in place which allows us to track and evaluate what we actually do, against what we set out to achieve.

Built on Solid Foundations
  1. In order to give our organisation a structure to operate effectively we have a document which outlines who runs the organisation, our objectives, our rules and regulations, structure, management and decision-making processes. This document is often referred to as the ‘Organisational Statutes’.

  2. Our organisation has a legal status and we have registered our organisation with the appropriate authorities (i.e., tax authority, sports federations, organisational register etc).

  3. For those positions in our structure where people are elected (i.e., Board Members), we implement a democratic, fair and transparent process. 

  4. We have an operational plan in place which allows us to run the organisation effectively.  Through this we ensure that activities are managed to match our goals. This includes having clearly defined activities and establishing roles, responsibilities and resources to deliver them. 

  5. We make sure that we share the responsibility for running the organisation among a group of people. We ensure that power and decision making is shared through our organisational structure. 

  6. Our organisational structure includes a group or groups which meets regularly to report on the effectiveness of the organisation, and we record what is discussed.

Right People in the Right Place
  1. We know which skills and competencies are required to run our organisation and deliver our programmes. This relates to the objectives of the programmes, the activities that we deliver and the impact we want to make.

  2. We select or elect people to run our organisation and programmes based on our organisational values and the skills and competencies that we need.

  3. We create transparency in our selection, promotion and election processes by having a written description of all of the different roles we have in the organisation, which lists all of the skills and competencies required.

  4. We plan for the future by knowing where the gaps are in our skills and competencies and have plans in place to fill them.

  5. We commit ourselves to the development of our staff, volunteers and coaches. Based on identified skill and competency gaps our organisation trains and educates our people.

  6. In order to maintain independence and consistency, we have a responsible person or team in which manages our human resource processes and acts as a contact point for our people.

Acting with Integrity
  1. We, as an organisation, have a clear and shared understanding of what we mean by Integrity. This is an important part of our organisation’s culture.

  2. In addition, we have a written document which sets out how we maintain integrity in practice in all of our activities. This helps us to actually act with integrity.

  3. We have explicitly defined what we mean by Integrity. We have indicators which help us to track and monitor how successful we are, and we have clearly defined processes for the case, that there is a breach of our culture of integrity.

  4. If there is any doubt about the integrity of individuals within the organisation or of our organisation as a whole, we are fully committed to ensure that the investigation of such an incident is carried out under independent supervision.

Being Open and Transparent
  1. We know what it means to be an open and transparent organisation. We see openness and transparency as an integral part of our organisational culture and explicitly include it into our organisational structures and activities.

  2. We provide regular updates on what we do as an organisation, both internally and externally. This includes communicating about our finances, operations and activities, and encouraging feedback.

  3. At least on an annual basis, we make sure that we publish our financial and administrative reports to ensure that our processes are transparent.

  4. We make sure that we are accountable for what we do and claim to do. Our organisation sets goals, communicates these both internally and externally and then reports back on their success.

  5. Our annual report and accounts are checked and audited by an independent person or body. This helps us to present ourselves objectively and credibly to both, our people and the outside world.

  6. We are aware that as an organisation we may be biased or not sufficiently critical of our internal processes. Therefore, we welcome independent oversight and feedback on all our processes and activities from those outside of the organisation to help us identify potential weakness and improve our processes and activities where needed.

Including and Representing Your People
  1. We take steps to understand the needs of all people in our organisation and participating in our activities.

  2. We consider and include these needs when building our structures and programmes and in the way we run our organisation.

  3. We value the opinions that the people have on our operation and activities and give them regular opportunities to give feedback. We assimilate this feedback into our future activities.  

  4. The people who run our organisation is reflective of the people who participate in our programmes. Our target groups are represented in management and decision-making positions.  


Protecting Your People
Taking Responsibility for the Safety of Your People
  1. We are fully aware of our responsibility and as an organisation commit ourselves to protecting our people. 

  2. We know what the minimum requirements are, when it comes to safeguarding all people in our organisation. We meet all legal obligations as defined in our country.

  3. We do not see safeguarding merely as an administrative exercise, rather, our organisation ensures that safeguarding is embedded into our culture and promotes it throughout our activities. 

  4. The organisational environment we have built is safe. We have open and regular lines of communication with our all of our people around safeguarding. This means our people are confident to raise safeguarding issues

  5. Personnel in the organisation see safeguarding as positive, providing transparency and protecting them from unintentional negative outcomes.

  6. Our policies and processes are clearly and actively communicated to all people associated to the organisation.

  7. We design our safeguarding procedures together with the people they are aimed at protecting. We develop all policies, guidelines and procedures, in this collaborative way.   

  8. We include the support network of participants (parents, carers etc) in all of our communication around safeguarding

Acting Proactively to Prevent Harm
  1. Our organisation protects our people through a written prevention plan. This outlines our commitment to preventing our people from coming to harm, and how we implement it safely and effectively.

  2. We are aware that a prevention plan on paper is not enough without everyone in the organisation understanding exactly how it works. We therefore specifically train our staff, volunteers and coaches on safeguarding in order that they are fully aware of the required mindset, behaviour and processes.  

  3. We recognise that alongside an overall plan, we need to be able to respond to issues which occur incidentally or in relation to specific activities or situations. Therefore, we regularly check safeguarding risks linked to all of our activities (such as travel, changing facilities etc) and address them.

  4. We recognise that we must implement prevention measures on a regular basis in order for them to be relevant to our activities. With our staff, volunteers and coaches we conduct safeguarding checks and trainings on a regular basis, to put us and them in the position to be aware of any potential issues before they happen.

  5. People within our organisation perceive safeguarding is important. Our organisation actively communicates with our people about safeguarding to give them the information they need.

  6. We have a system in place to review our prevention processes. Our organisation measures the effectiveness of our prevention efforts and makes appropriate adaptations when weaknesses are highlighted. 

  7. Our organisation protects our people through a written prevention plan. This outlines our commitment to preventing our people from coming to harm, and how we implement it safely and effectively.

Responding to and Resolving Issues
  1. We have written procedures to resolve safeguarding issues in order to ensure the safety of everyone associated with our organisation. These procedures relate to staff, volunteers, members and participants, and are as inclusive and comprehensive as possible.

  2. We have safeguarding measures in place to protect all people in our organisation. When safeguarding issues occur, we track and record the process in writing.  

  3. The organisation has an appropriate long term monitoring process. This means that if a safeguarding breach occurs, we continue to follow up in an appropriate and supportive manner, even after the matter is resolved.

  4. We make sure our processes are safe and fair. We do this by having an independent person to run them, to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest.

  5. Our organisation reviews and evaluates our procedures on a regular basis to make sure that they are applicable to our operations, activities, and target groups.

  6. We make sure that we have a tailored approach to make sure all people are protected in our organisation. We do this by having specific procedures for all groups of people (gender, race, religion etc) involved in our organisations.

  7. Our organisation protects the resources required (i.e., budget) to implement safeguarding effectively. We ringfence these resources and prioritise them in decisions we make. 

  8. In order to ensure impartiality, an independent figure or body oversees the implementation and monitoring process for safeguarding.


Protecting Your Environment
Taking Responsability for Your Environment
  1. We recognise that we as an organisation have an impact on the environment. We take responsibility for this and furthermore we take action to reduce or limit it.

  2. In order to increase accountability and publicise our position, this commitment is communicated to our staff, participants, and the public.

  3. Our commitment to limiting our environmental impact is stated in our statutes. In addition, we have organisational policies and guidelines in place which support our commitment to be a positive impact on the environment.

  4. We have a specific person, team or committee to manage our commitment to be a sustainable organisation.

Reducing your Environmental Impact
  1. We know how we as an organisation impact the environment. We have taken steps to understand how our activities affect the environment (travel, purchasing, facilities etc) and we take measures to limit our impact.

  2. Beyond a general description of how the organisation affects the environment, we have a specific understanding and approach for each area of our impact (facilities, transport, waste etc). We have specific plans associated to these areas.

  3. Against these areas we set impact specific targets and track our progress.

  4. Beyond our own direct impact, we look to mitigate our secondary impact in the environment. We have an understanding of how our supply chain and the products and services which we buy affect the environment and take action to reduce them.

Influencing Environmental Sustainability
  1. We recognise that we have a strong position in our community. Therefore, we accept responsibility and take action to advocate for a positive change not just within our club but in the wider local community.

  2. We have a good understanding of what our values are and what we feel our responsibility is an organisation in the community. have a written strategy to influence others positively about environmental impact. 

  3. We set objectives and clearly defined goals around all of our environmental impact activities. These indicators are just as important to us as the more traditional indicators (financial, activity outcomes etc) or organisational success.

  4. We track and monitor how successful we are and report upon these indicators to our stakeholders. We report back on how successful we are to our people and the public.




You have experienced sustained success in this topic. You are now focussing on optimizing performance, achieving efficiency. You have established structures which maintain your high standards and push development.


Impact Orientation
The ambition to make a positive societal change
  1. Our organisation pursues one or more social goals in the selected impact areas. 

  2. We have explicitly formulated our social goals in the selected impact areas. We also ensure that all our stakeholders can see which social objectives we are pursuing.  

  3. Our social goals are at least as important to us as our sporting goals and they are more than just a by-product of our sporting activities.

  4. In addition to our immediate goals (outputs), we also pursue medium and long-term goals (outcomes and impact) in the selected areas and we have a clear idea of how our short-, medium- and long-term goals build on each other.

  5. When establishing our purpose, impact and goals, we involve the people who are involved in delivering it and the participants in our programmes. This includes, staff, volunteers, members etc.

  6. In order to measure how effective we are at achieving our goals we have a system in place which allows us to track and evaluate what we actually do, against what we set out to achieve.

  7. We know the Sustainable Development Goals and we have an idea of how our own activities can contribute to achieving the SDGs.


User Focussed
For your target groups, with your target groups
  1. We have a clear idea of whom we are targeting in the selected impact areas.

  2. We are aware of the needs and requirements of our target groups.

  3. When we are planning and implementing our activities, we pay attention to the specific needs and requirements of our target groups and try to take them into account as much as possible. 

  4. Our offers are designed to be participatory. This means that the target groups are involved in the development and design of our activities and that their wishes and expectations are adequately taken into account in the implementation of our offers.


Positive Environment
Creating a safe and engaging environment for your participants
  1. We are well aware of the importance and the potential of an appropriate and positive environment.

  2. Within our specific local conditions, we always try to create the best possible setting for all of our participants.

  3. We are dedicated to ensure that each and every activity takes place in an environment that is easily accessible, safe, functional and comfortable for all our participants. 

  4. We make sure that positive and appreciative communication is practised in all our groups and activities.

  5. The behaviour of trainers and participants also contributes to a positive learning environment. We therefore agree on a common code of conduct in all our offers.


Specific Methodology
Specific & Proven Methodology
  1. We do not rely on the potentially positive effects of sport occurring automatically. Rather, we aim at bringing about the intended effects in a targeted way.

  2. In the selected impact areas, we therefore explicitly follow a specific method or approach to achieve our social goals through our sport-based activities.

  3. The role of sport is clearly defined within our methodology or approach. This means that we are able to describe where for example we use sport as "a hook", as a "means to build trust" or as "tool to train a specific skill"

  4. All staff and volunteers who are involved in the implementation of our programmes (e.g. the coaches) have a clear idea of how the activities must be implemented (on and off the field) in order to achieve the desired S4G goals

  5. Our approaches and methods are based on a relevant theoretical foundation (e.g. from the field of sports science, pedagogy, psychology, etc.) or they are based on proven empirical evidence.


Competent Coaches & Capable Team
Having the right coaches to deliver your programmes
  1. We are aware of the great importance of our coaches as role models and deliberately leverage this potential. This also applies to all our coaches and instructors, who are aware that they have this exemplary role and act accordingly.

  2. All our programmes in the selected impact areas are carried out by coaches and instructors who have the necessary personal aptitude and attitude as well as the necessary technical and methodological skills and knowledge for the specific task and target group.

  3. We carefully select our coaches and instructors and we systematically support them to grow in their role.

  4. As a result of our quality development efforts, we can be confident that all our coaches and instructors

  5. … have a sufficient level of experience and competence in the field of sport to deliver sport-based activities.

  6. … have the specific expertise needed to adequately deliver the activities in the chosen area of impact.

  7. … have the knowledge and experience necessary to guarantee the safety of the participants during the activities carried out.


Regular Activities & Target Group Acceptance
Being consistent, being relevant
  1. Our S4G offers in the selected impact areas take place on a regular and permanent basis.

  2. Our programmes and activities are designed in such a way that there is sufficient time for the participants' intended learning and development processes.

  3. We know that our activities are regularly attended by the target group to which they are directed.

  4. We succeed in reaching a significant number of beneficiaries, taking into account our organisational capacities.

  5. At regular intervals, we also survey the satisfaction of our target groups and participants with the activities we offer in the selected impact areas and we therefore know that our participants are generally satisfied with our offers.  


Community & Cross Sector Cooperation
Achieving your goals through collaboration and cooperation
  1. We are generally open to cooperation and collaboration with other organisations from inside and outside the sports sector.

  2. We actively seek to build cooperation and synergies with other organisations in order to achieve our social goals.

  3. We also seek to involve staff and volunteers in our own organisation who have relevant non-sport related experience and expertise (e.g. social workers, psychologists, medical professionals, etc.) that can help us to better achieve our S4G objectives.  

  4. We regularly work with local stakeholders such as schools, municipalities, social service providers, health providers, etc. as part of our S4G activities.

  5. We are committed to a high-quality standard in our S4G activities and therefore we seek external expertise in areas where we do not have the necessary experience or expertise. 


Monitoring & Evaluation
Making evidence-based decisions to maximise your impact
  1. In our organisation, we have a positive attitude towards monitoring and evaluation. We value M&E as an opportunity for learning and organisational development.

  2. We have a basic understanding of how M&E works and how it can be applied in pragmatic way.

  3. We regularly monitor and review all our activities within the scope of our capabilities as a small organisation.

  4. When we implement larger projects or measures, we try to involve an external evaluation.

  5. The results of our M&E processes are open-ended. This means that we accept and disclose negative evaluation results just as openly as positive ones and that we try to learn from them for future projects.  

